June 28, 2012

290. A Short History Lesson

The charity group makes stop to drop off the goods at Phật Bửu temple/orphanage, since it was during the school hours all the kids were at school.  The nun feed us and told us a story about the Buddha status in this temple, she referred to the second status from the top on the photo above.

The story goes like this, during the Vietnam war a troop came through this village and someone had cut off the head of the Buddha status because they thought it was made of gold but it was actually make of bronze so it got tossed away.  As the war ended and the temple got rebuild, however the head of the status was still missing.  The news of the missing head of Buddha got around the villages.  A farmer, who lives at near by village and was sick, hears of the news.  He did not make much of the news since he was fighting with his disease and trying to make a living.  Days passed by, the farmer was working on his field and found an object that larger than his palm on the field.  First, he was hesitate to pick it up because he thought it may be a bomb or a remnant of weapons that the war had left behind.  However he gathered up his courage and took the item home to clean, it turned out to be a bronze head that he believed belong to the Buddha status that had been missing a head.  He brought it back to the temple and help the nun to put back the head of the status and with a miracle, his disease has subside during this whole ordeal.
If you look closer of the status you can still see the joint at the neck of the second status. 
2013 Copyright © Andrea Tran